Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pinwheel Challenge Block 1

These are the first in the series of blocks. The pink and blue has errors. I took me forever to figure out that 2 of my half triangles are backwards. Taking a picture really helps. I can see my errors so easily. So, tomorrow I will fix. It was so pretty... until I saw the picture.
Kind of like my Blessings blocks. When I saw them posted on the blog...yuck! They will sit for a while until I can make them pretty again.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Eden Quilt Giveaway

Click on the Eden button to the right. Lila Tueller has made a beautiful quilt and is giving it away!
I've chosen the Eden line for the Jellyroll Quilt Along. It's both girly and sophisticated.

Do I Put New Tires on the Car or Sew Today?

I have a flat tire and had to put that "donut" on the car. I had too much going on at work to go get it fixed the next day. So, I borrowed my boyfriend's car. Surely, he wouldn't mind me driving his red, Mustang convertible. He has offered his truck for me to drive when needed, but never the convertible. Wonder what that's about? Hmm...

So here is today's dilemma. Above you see the Blessings blocks that I've made into hour glass blocks. This is far from exciting, but I love the fabric. It makes me happy. I need to figure this out today. How will these blocks go together? I think I'll stick with the burgundy sashing and the blue print border.

Do I sew or go sit for hours at the tire shop?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hope for Flowers after the Freeze

There is the promise of spring creeping out. The camelia is blooming. The blossoms are gorgeous. We had a hard freeze that killed most of the garden. It's nice to see survivors.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Design Wall Monday-after 2 weeks of no sewing

Blessings: I bought a layer cake from the Blessings line. One night after a tough day I just came home, cut, and sewed. It was very unimaginative. I just needed to sew.

The rule was that I would only sew on this when I needed a blessing or felt blessed. After 2 hours my day was better. At first I was just going to sew rows together. Today was the first day I have sewed in 2 weeks. I had the day off. What a blessing!

I'm not sure how this is going to go together. I have a burgundy for sashing and some of the blue print that's in the middle for the border. I love that print. I'm just not sure what to do with the outside blocks. I started adding another row because I love some of the prints in those blocks. Just not sure about it. This is one of the projects I committed to complete for the challenge. Time to move on it!

Below is some hour glass blocks I made today from the Nature's Notebook line. I love that fabric. Again, I had a layer cake. I like the precuts because you get to see all the fabrics in the line.

I don't like that you only get a few pieces of what you really love. Today I had to try to find more of the patterns I want to feature more in the quilt.

I am making 9 patches from a jelly roll of the same line. So an hour glass/9 patch quilt.
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