Monday, March 29, 2010

God's Blessing of Spring

Spring is truly magical to me. Can you believe the beautiful things God provides us? The azaleas are just about in full bloom. The pictures can't do justice to the impact of masses of blooms.

As I walk from the garage into the backyard, I pass the stained glass stepping stone that Bill's mom made. She is so talented. It warms my heart to walk past something she made with love for her son.

I planted some honeysuckle in a pot for the table in the backyard. The smell is delicious and intense. It's intoxicating! Perhaps that's the Shiner Bock also, but it's a lovely way to spend time.

Hope spring is happening soon in your life. Best to all.


  1. God is indeed so generous with his blessings! Glad spring has come to you.

  2. Your pictures are just beautiful. My azaleas are loaded with buds and I can hardly wait for the spring showing they will produce! :o)
    Sincerely ~ Trish

  3. The azaleas are beautiful, ours are close to blooming here. The stepping stone is a piece of art.

  4. Lovely azaleas. I have George Tabor, and the blooms have mostly come and gone already.

    I was out this morning doing some hand watering, and the scents of roses, and other flowers, made me very thankful this Easter Resurrection morning.

    I hope you have a lovely day.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comment.


  5. P.S. I wanted to say that the stained glass stepping stone is very pretty. I would hate to step on it.

    Would love to grow honey suckle but it's too hot and humid for it down here.

    I love scented flowers.



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