Monday, August 14, 2023

Fall Sewing in Summer

I’ve been enjoying some “just right” quilting projects. Just right has some variation to keep me challenged but easy piecing to make the progress steady and rewarding. Below is Pumpkins and Cream by Fig Tree. I’m actually further along than this pic but ran out of border fabric. I should finish it tomorrow. So much fun to make.

Twirl has been a want-to-sew for quite a while. I chose the original pattern because I love the border. The stems are applique in this version. 

This ruler is a life saver. Easy and fun. I’m using my much loved Farmhouse fabric.

I spent a week in College Station with a couple of friends. One has a son starting Texas A&M. We hung out and had girl time. Then my college roommate met me. We stayed in the Aggie Hotel and drove around reminiscing. It’s crazy to think it’s been 40 years.

The hotel is so much fun. Everything Aggie.
After eating at a restaurant we found a kitten in the parking lot. It was over 100 degrees. Next to a freeway. The end result was obvious.I didn’t need another animal.
Meet Gringo. He sews with me now. He’s the most precious little guy and so much fun. He’s named Gringo because that’s the name of the Mexican restaurant where I found him.

And we have new foster pups. Jodi and Cori. They have mange (not contagious) and need baths every 2 days. They are so very sweet and look better every day.

I’m listening to Tom Lake read by Meryl Streep. Lovely story.


I’m almost finished with Braiding Sweet Grass. If you love nature, it’s a must. I love the author’s gentle spirit.
It’s hot in Texas. I wish we had rain. I also wish people would stop complaining about the heat. I find the complaining more unbearable than the heat.
It’s a new week and I’m looking forward to sewing and seeing some friends I don’t often get to see. Life is good.

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