I've started a new project. Of course, I didn't finish a project and then start another one. That would be too sane. I took 3 weeks off from work. It was much needed. I was mentally worn out, forgetting things, running into the back of cars, and overall an irritable person. I didn't want to go anywhere for a vacation. I wanted to spend 3 weeks at home getting my life in order, tackling sewing issues, reading, and cleaning out closets and overloaded drawers. The clutter is the result of moving into my husband's house a while back. I basically just crammed a lot of stuff in closets and drawers. There was no system. He never had one either. We were living cluttered and unorganized. Now the closets are cleaned out and the drawers organized. Goodwill is full of our junk. Aaaah!
This does relate to quilting. During my vacation I sewed and sewed. The stress relief and joy derived from sewing can't be explained to anyone who doesn't sew. One afternoon I got a wild hair to start something simple and cheap. Hobby Lobby has Kona Cotton for $6 something a yard and it is always 30% off. I have a bolt of Moda Bella White. So, technically, I was sewing from my stash. Almost. This is so cheap I call it my Guiltless Nine Patch.The blocks are so quick and rewarding. It's cheap fun. The hum of the sewing machine soothes.
I'm spacing out the blocks on my design wall with space between which will be a simple piece of white.
Dog Treats in Super Cubes
2 hours ago