Sunday, April 14, 2013


Mother Nature has created so many distractions. It is impossible to stay in the house and sew.

The nun's orchids are starting to bloom. They are so dramatic.

Even the cactus is blooming. Who knew?!!
 This is on the flapjack kalanchoe. Is is a bloom or seed? It is reaching for the sun. It's telling me to move to a more sunny location.

The plumeria are starting to leaf out. This year I tried to propogate. I'll record the victory or fail here.

 Bougenvilla is finally blooming. I still have one that isn't....but I'm not giving up.
 The oleander has gotten better with age. It isn't in the best location but I need something tall and bushy there. It has found a way to be happy.
 Clerodenrum something. Love this plant.
 Amaryllis. This is one that the dogs haven't trampled.
 The gardenia makes sitting outside heavenly.
 I would sit outside and work on my block-a-day challenge. Except for this. He literally comes running and lands in my lap with one leap. He's lots of fun but I can't really stitch with an incoming dog.
 I've made some Jacob's Ladder blocks. I love the Indigo Crossings fabric.

 I've begun to commit to the background fabrics on my stars.

Slooooow progress but I really like these stars.
One from Blueberry Crumbcake fabric. Love it.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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