Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bonnie Hunter Mystery Fabric and a Rooster

I certainly don't need another project to start but after watching the Bonnie Hunter mysteries for 2 years, I vowed to do it this year. She selected green, yellow, blue, and orange. I just couldn't do the orange so I chose a pumpkin gold color. I'm in love with this color this year. Two of my knit/crochet scarves are this color. I made a couch quilt with pumpkin colors. I like the colors I'll be working with and can't wait for the first clue.


I went on a retreat at Creations Quilt Shop in Kerrville. Susan Carlson was the teacher. I've been an admirer for quite a while. She has a playful way of just gluing fabric strips to create. No fusible. No turning under edges. Slap it on with a little glue. Very freeing. I'm still working on my rooster. I need to add more strips in areas to bring out the feathers. It is covered with red tuile (spelling?). What a difference with the hue of red.

It's a cold, rainy day in Texas. I'm here with the dogs and cat enjoying my coffee, reading blogs, and watching morning tv. Life is good.

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