Monday, February 1, 2021

Slow Weekend

Julia in all her glory! Sitting outside watching chickens has become our evening entertainment. It’s very peaceful to sit with chickens in the yard and cows in the pasture. Julia is a character and panhandles for mealworms. It’s been sunny and warm, if you stay out of the wind. But it is funny to watch the chickens battle the wind gusts.

Bowie Kitty is our new addition. She was a barn kitten at my cousin’s place. The mama cat was killed by their dog so they raised the kittens. Barn cats live a hard life and are often eaten by coyotes. I talked hubby into taking one. She has been a joy. We got her at Thanksgiving, about a month after I was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has been a much needed distraction.
I’ve been finishing up Feeding the Bees by Notforgotten Farm. This is on the old Weeks linen which I don’t enjoy but I’ve made peace with it. I love Notforgotten Farm patterns because of their whimsical designs, easy charts, and they call for DMC so they are economical.
This is my view as I drive up to MD Anderson for treatment. Complete with COVID testing tents. I’m blessed to have a very good prognosis. More on that journey later. I have 7 more days of treatment and the fatigue hit this weekend. I enjoy my mornings at home then get in the car by 11:30 and back home around 4:00. It’s a bit of a drive but an easy one. Mornings are the enjoyable part of the day.

Off to sew and start my day.


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