Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fabric for Pinwheel and Fabric Just Because

Just because... I have no idea how to handle this one. I like the idea of the bird print being a center square in a wall hanging. There is clearly a floral border fabric here. Still thinking...

This is the fabric I've chosen for the Pinwheel Quilt Along. It's Jennifer Pagnelli. I bought it off Etsy where you get not exactly what was in the picture. I think I'm happy with it. The orange stripe is a little much for me. In the picture I think it was a pink which suited me better.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mitered Monday

Today's goal was to put on the sashing and binding of the Batik Log Cabin. I was going to happily email my PhD Challenge friends and tell them I had a completed top to go the quilter. Tomorrow night in quilt guild. Wasn't that going to be nice? Just pass it off to the quilter at the guild meeting.

I've mitered in my past. Even felt proud of my accomplishments. Then I read a "how to" book on mitering, got confused, and then paralized.

Tomorrow I'm going to go to guild and remember why I choose to quilt. Then I'm going to go miter those blankety blank corners!

Isn't it nice when life's biggest challenge for you at the moment is something like mitering?

Happy Monday Everyone!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Triangles ala Edyta Sitar

The quilt shop is having a fun little triangle swap. You buy "cinnamon sticks" which are a light and dark fabric with a piece of triangle paper in it from Laundry Basket Quilts.

You put right sides together and pin the paper to the fabric.

Sew on the dotted lines.

Cut on the solid lines and you have triangles. Then you remove the paper.

Put about 720 together and you have this! Okay, maybe that's a little big for my skill level, but there are several projects in here.
The big idea is that you take your triangles back to the quilt shop. Each strip makes 10. So you take back 10 and they give you 10 different ones. It's an easy way to have a huge variety of triangles.
What fun!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why does everyone else have such a pretty blog?

The PHD post below is in the wrong place. Sigh. This is making me feel stupid. I wanted it on the right side of the blog but it seems to me that all I can put is a Gadget. And it doesn't link to the original site. Am I really this stupid? (Please don't let my first comment on my blog be "yes you are that stupid.)

Anyway, I'm committing to finishing these projects within 6 months.

PHD's: Projects Half Done:
Bali Log Cabin
Dresden Plate
Green Log Cabin
5 Hour Quilt (right!)
Autumn Fields Applique

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom

Today is my mom's birthday. She been gone for I think 5 years now. To be honest it seems like 2 years....I don't like counting. I've posted pictures of the crewel work she did for me. If you are a mom, make a memory for your child.

No one will ever love you like your mother. You will be loved by others, but it's not the same as a mother's love.

Mom loved fabric. Part of my healing after losing my parents is to balance my life and live. Mom loved fabric and taught me to love it.

Happy Birthday, Mom. I love you.

My new organized life...

After several trips to Walmart for plastic boxes, one for each color of became clear that my fabric habit was bigger than a few boxes. Off to The Container Store for the Elfa sale. I'm so excited to get organized. I can hardly move in my sewing room right now. Organization soon to come!

Finishing the Bali Log Cabin...

This is my first quilt top to be almost finished with. I've returned to quilting as a reformed perfectionist. I've put this together but had trouble choosing the sashing and binding. All I have to do is put it on, figure out the back, and arrange for someone to quilt it. Maybe I'll get that done this week since I've written it here.
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