Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom

Today is my mom's birthday. She been gone for I think 5 years now. To be honest it seems like 2 years....I don't like counting. I've posted pictures of the crewel work she did for me. If you are a mom, make a memory for your child.

No one will ever love you like your mother. You will be loved by others, but it's not the same as a mother's love.

Mom loved fabric. Part of my healing after losing my parents is to balance my life and live. Mom loved fabric and taught me to love it.

Happy Birthday, Mom. I love you.

1 comment :

  1. These are really lovely words. The Stitcheries are so beautiful! I'm a Mum to a 16 y.o boy and I've made him wall-hangings and quilts and when he was very little I made his clothes but somehow I think he will need to mature somewhat to actually appreciate these things:-) But I know what you mean and I do want to make him things that he can look at when he is older and be happy to say "my Mum made this for me"
    Enjoy your fabric and your sewing!


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