Monday, February 18, 2013

Block a Day Challenge

Well, maybe it's half a block a day. I figured out that I need to have a choice of blocks. I thrive on novelty so I'll consider another block to add to my block a day. That way I will have a choice. As the weather gets nicer I will be outside until late so I need to have a half-a-star goal as well. Progress is being made and I've enjoyed visiting the blogs of the others in the challenge. 

These are all the stars so far. Seems I like red. I'll need to add a little variety. Certainly greens.  I think I'm ready to add some cream as the connecting fabric.

Happy Sewing,


  1. Hi Joanna,
    Your stars are looking great! :)

  2. Hi Joanna :)
    Your stars are looking great.
    (I thought I'd left a comment here before...perhaps not? :P)
    How are you going with your progress??
    Do hope all is well with you xx

    Robyn :)

  3. Your stars are looking so lovely.


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