Saturday, December 31, 2016

Welcome 2017!

It's time for 2016 to leave and 2017 to unfold. There is the obvious election stuff. The unkind words....uggghhhh! Oh, if we could only have different opinions and be kind. Then there was the me asking to join a quilting bee without knowing that you are elected in and don't invite yourself. Yikes! I'm so naive and very adept at creating a very awkward situation. A very nice woman got reprimanded because I invited myself and she said yes.  Uggghhh and Sigh!

Most importantly, our extended family unexpectedly lost someone. A beautiful soul left us at age 59. It put things in perspective. At the end of our life, elections don't matter and there are more kind, inclusive people than not.

Image result for welcome 2017 images

So, I'm so excited about 2017. I'm going to spend far less time on Facebook and more time blogging.

First off, I'm going to finish- yep I said it- FINISH- the Bonnie Hunter mystery, En Provence.  This is my third year to participate. I gave up on Celtic Solstice. I will eventually finish Alleitare. But this year, I'm on it! I'll finish on time.

Second, I'm going to keep up with BOMs. This is shocking news. I'm doing 3. That is not shocking news. I couldn't pass up the new Quiltmania mystery when I saw Michele Yeo's fabrics. Oh my!!!

Then Fat Quarter Shop offered Kim Diehl's Journey's End. I love Kim Diehl's fabrics and FQS does the best BOMs.

And last, but not least, who could pass up a Fig Tree BOM? I missed out last year so I was on it this year. It's a Christmas quilt with FigTree reds. She writes such easy patterns so the sewing is so much fun.

More quilty goals in my next post. Doesn't 2017 look like fun so far?!?!

Ephesians 2:4     For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

I am thankful for God's mercy and grace. My life is blessed far beyond what I deserve.

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