Time to get my life back. Too much work and too little play. Life just got busy. I haven't sewn consistently in quite a while. I did manage to put together this pillow. We got a new couch that needs a quilt and some pillows. Don't love this but it will do for now.
I will continue with the hexagons. I've been making them from an Aster charm pack. They truly are addictive, as everyone says. I don't have a big plan. We are going on a road trip. I'll be making hexagons along the way.

Below are some Jelly Roll Diamonds. I have 13 done. Need 23. I've decided I'm going to do some pillows. I like making blocks but the fun us lost when it has to be so many. I'm tired at 13. 23 seems like a long way off.

Plumeria are beginning to bloom. I think they are magical plants. I finally got to the flower beds along the fence line. It took 12 cubic yards of soil. I was afraid I would have to do it myself but found some guys to do it. Thank goodness. They worked for 4 hours. I'd still be working if I did it myself.

I'm glad to be back...starting fabric projects I never finish and buying plants and praying they will survive.