The Maison de Garance wall hanging has been pieced. It is an amazing accomplishment. I've come to the conclusion that I don't cut straight or sew straight. One side was an inch longer than the other. That's a lot of 1/4 inch seams being wrong. But I remind myself that I once stopped quilting because I felt things weren't perfect enough. I have to get better but not frustrated.
I really like this wallhanging. I think I'll make more Schnibbles. I felt I was accomplishing every time I left the sewing room. Just enough to bite off.
I've decided to hand quilt so I'll have something to do when I sit with DH watching tv.

I have no idea what this will become. I bought charm packs of Moda white. One night I needed to just sew. This is how far I've come. I don't know how to arrange them and how many more to make. I think some fell of the design wall but I have it complete this far. I don't know if I like it like this. Hmmm.....

New life! I ordered seeds from Burpee. My geranium seeds are sprouting. I'm such a nerd....this is so exciting to me. I took this picture then went to dinner. When I came back there were sprouts in another pot. So much fun!

I've got a set up in the spare bathroom. My goal is to save money on annuals and grow lots of them myself. It's a crazy amount of money to have fresh annuals in the summer.

Happy New Year! Be safe.
What a great idea to start some seeds! I think about that every spring to start my vegetables but I never do. Maybe this year...