We've had a few days of monsoons. Way too much rain but I can blame the weeds in the courtyard on the rain. I worked on the other side of the backyard and then turned one day to see the courtyard filled with weeds.
I started weeding, albeit slowly. Then I noticed that one of my "weeds" had a familiar blossom. Last year's pink Turk's Cap has made a comeback. I'm thrilled.

My sweetie bought me the birdbath I've been coveting. Funny what becomes an obsession. It was ridiculously priced. I watched it go 25% off but still a little crazy for a bird bath. Especially since the birds already have 2 in the yard. And they actually use only one and the dog dish. Then it went 40% off. The smart man made my day. I think it's so cute.

My Blue River Hibiscus bloomed during the monsoon. Poor thing had to fight through the water. It's a little beaten by raindrops but still so pretty.
Another Luna Red bloom. Lovely.

Dancing Girl Ginger has decided to come back to life. It took a while. It's still in a pot. I think it will get planted by Dr. Moy.

Happy 4th. God bless our country.

Hope you had a lovely holiday! Your flowers are so very pretty.